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White Yellow Orange Red Blue Green Gray Black

White Yellow Orange Red Blue Green Gray Black

White Yellow Orange Red Blue Green Gray Black

Alternative-1 Alternative-2 Alternative-3

Alternative-1 Alternative-2 Alternative-3

Alternative-1 Alternative-2 Alternative-3

Link in same Window Link in new Window Link to Lightbox Video

Get The Code

[button link="" size="small" target="_blank" icon="cog" style="light" lightbox="true"]Small Button[/button]

Customization Options / Features

  • icon – add any mini-icon (from the Icons section) here.
  • link – add your destination Link here.
  • size – small, medium, large – Default: medium
  • target – _self, _blank – Default: _self
  • lightbox – true or false to link to Vimeo / Youtube videos, if you want to open a complete Page in an iframe just add ?iframe=true&width=800&height=600 at the end of your link (Of course you can change the size to whatever you like – Default: false
  • color – white, blue, green, red, orange, yellow, gray, black, alternative-1, alternative-2, alternative-3 – Default: white
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